
Microspikes, Crampons, and Snowshoes

How to choose the right traction for your PNW Adventure (This article may contain product affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.) Hiking and scrambling through the snow is a unique experience that you can experience in a variety of places year-round in the Pacific Northwest. However, with snow […]

Episode 8: Fall on Cannon Mountain with Ryan Cairnes

In November 2019, Ryan Cairnes suffered a 300ft fall descending from Cannon Mountain, a seldom-visited peak in Washington’s Enchantments area near Leavenworth. A mountaineer and former engineer, he survived broken and alone for days on the mountain without food or water. Hear what he wishes he’d done differently and how it has changed the way he explores the wild.

Episode 6: What’s on Your Scary List?

Stephen Johnson has been adventuring outside since he was a kid, but one day, after bailing from a famous Washington rock scramble, he decided he needed to know more. After taking the Mountaineers Alpine Scrambling course, he decided to complete 24 scrambles in 24 weeks. In this episode, I chat with Stephen about how he found fulfillment in the mountains and what lessons he learned over the past year. “What’s on your scary list?”